Dr Hillel is thrilled to partner with LOTUSWEI to offer their life-changing flower essence remedies.
LotusWei flower essences add a luscious layer to SomaticWell therapeutic offerings.
As the world’s leading floral apothecary that brings nature to you, LOTUSWEI helps thousands of people around the world experience more happiness, clarity, peace + better sleep with flower elixirs, mists, oils + rituals. Flower Alchemist Katie Hess hand-collects flowers all over the planet to make the most sustainable, gentle + effective botanical remedy.
LOTUSWEI Flower essences can be used as a stand-alone therapeutic resource or else in combination with any of the endorsed SOMATICWELL therapeutic approaches, such as Feldenkrais, Meditation, Somatic Awareness Practice and more...

What are Flower Essences?
Flower essences are liquid infusions of fresh flowers into water that contains the bioenergetic imprint or lifeforce of the flowers. Every flower has its unique healing quality. As the perfect encapsulation of the quality of a flower, an elixir can be taken internally or applied topically, shifting your mood and acting as an immediate catalyst for positive transformation.
When you use a flower essence you are connecting with a deep, safe, gentle source of natural healing and cosmic wisdom that has evolved over millions and even billions of years.
How do flower essences work?
When taken internally or applied externally, flower elixirs work through the acupuncture meridians to shift our state of mind, often within minutes, with an exponential effect over time. Like acupuncture without the needles!
It’s all based on the premise that your body operates like a finely-tuned instrument. Sometimes, it rings with perfect pitch — everything in perfect alignment. Sometimes, it needs a little re-tuning.
Flower essences act as a natural tuning fork — bringing your body back in tune with a subtle electrical vibration.
And the best part is: you can choose your desired vibe following your inner intuition. Maybe today it’s love, curiosity, or compassion. Maybe tomorrow it’s trust, focus, intimacy — or all of the above!
For every mood + feeling, there is a flower -- and @LOTUSWEI is bound to have exactly the flower that you’re looking for.
For example, if you are experiencing fear and anxiety and you use a flower essence with a calming or joyful vibration, your awareness of that calm and joyful feeling is raised, and the feeling of fear (which is a lower vibration) dissipates. This is also how homeopathic remedies work.
How you can use flower essences for optimal well-being
Flower essences are simple to use.
In the making of a flower essence, only a small amount of blooms are required -- making it one of the most sustainable forms of natural remedies.
The positive transformation that can occur from using flower essences include.
If you ever wonder which of the @lotuswei products (elixirs, mists, oils) has the most impact, the answer is all of them! The key to using flower essences is frequency of use! Our full range is best utilised AT LEAST 5 times a day, every day.
Add LOTUSWEI elixirs to your coffee, tea or hot chocolate for some added flower petal magic. Boost your daily hydration and add some drops to your water bottle or pitcher! Change the way you enjoy your alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, and add to drinks at home and at social gatherings!
Aura Mists
LOTUSWEI’s refreshing Aura Mists are the perfect marriage of flower elixirs & aromatherapy! Spray around the face, shoulders, and your space for an immediate shift in energy.
Anointing Oils
The perfect alternative to traditional perfume, LOTUSWEI Anointing Oils are a combination of flower essences & wildcrafted essential oils! As a perfume, apply to pulse points: wrists, neck, behind the ears.
@LOTUSWEI’s line of Balancing Serums are a blended formulation of flower elixirs & essential oils that are the perfect flower-infused all-over moisturiser! Rub.
LOTUSWEI flower Essences have been proven effective for helping to alleviate the following issues and conditions:
They are also effective as a gentle yet powerful remedy for strengthening:
-Boosting energy-
Dr Hillel increasingly integrates LOTUSWEI flower essences into his therapeutic practice.

"I love the playful, joyful, and divinely intuitive
element that using LOTUSWEI flower essences brings to my therapeutic practice!"

The lotuswei Flowerevolution card deck is an awesome tool that can be used to choose the flowers you need at any time! Discover new insights about yourself, navigate through challenging situations and reveal your greatest impact.
Schedule an in-person or zoom flower essence consultation with Dr. Hillel

Find out what flowers you are attracted to and what that means! Take the LOTUSWEI Flower quiz! Find it at https://www.lotuswei.com/HILLEL
Obtain 10% discount on LOTUSWEI flower essence products with the following
coupon code: "HILLEL10"