The SomaticWell Center is continuing to consolidate itself as the premier site for integration of Somatic Practices with cutting edge therapies rooted in Integrative Neurobiology. As the Center attracts new clients and interest, I feel that the time is right to take an exciting new step in setting up a free membership online social forum. The forum provides a safe space for responding to specific member’s questions and an opportunity to develop an online social community crystallizing around the core SomaticWell focus. These include, for example, Somatic Practices such as the Feldenkrais Method, Integrative Neurobiology, Neurofeedback, Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Ethics, Embodied Spirituality, etc.
Why set up a private social forum, rather than utilize ready-at-hand social media websites, aka Facebook? Developing the private SomaticWell membership site will help maintain the uniqueness of the SomaticWell Center. It will help ensure that the content of the community forum is not owned by a third-party, and ensure that membership data is not used for wider commercial purposes.
Present discussion threads reflecting the Center’s therapeutic focus include:
Q&A, General Discussion, Integrative Medicine, Autism, The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). This list will be revised and expanded reflecting the growth of the social forum and needs of its community members.
A core focus of SomaticWell therapeutic intervention is autism, particularly early intervention in infancy and early childhood. Since autism is characterized by impairment in social interaction, developing a membership forum around social engagement is itself a therapeutic act, empowering individuals and families to take control of their own individual wellbeing! The Discussion Forum around autism will be centered around accepting the principle of Neurodiversity.
Once you have signed up to the Member’s site (https://www.somaticwell.com/members), you are welcome to initiate or respond to previous discussion threads in the Member’s Discussion Space (https://www.somaticwell.com/members). Please abide by the etiquette of the Social Forum and respect Member’s private opinions. I will monitor the discussion as well as try and respond to specific questions. The membership site and discussion space are free. Beyond the discussion space, I offer research specific issues and questions relating to integrative medicine on a fee-for service basis.
So, I invite you to sign up to the membership site and contribute your voice to the social forum discussion space. Looking forward to welcoming you to the SomaticWell Social Forum!